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Fix Carburetor fuel over flow

In carburetors, fuel fills the carburetor bowl and is then supplied to the jets. There is a specific level maintained to ensure a consistent fuel supply to the jets, adjusted by a float. As the bowl fills, the float rises and closes the valve that supplies fuel. Then, as the fuel is consumed, the level drops, the float descends, and this opens the valve again to replenish the fuel, maintaining seamless engine operation.


Float Hight is too high: 

If the float height is set too high, it raises the fuel level in the carburetor bowl excessively. When raised too high, fuel can leak into the engine uncontrollably, causing a rich condition. Additionally, a float level that is too high can cause fuel to flow from the slow jet at wide open throttle, which is abnormal.


Under normal conditions, when the throttle is engaged beyond 25%, the fuel level in the float bowl drops, cutting off the supply to the pilot jet. When the throttle is released, the fuel level rises again, restarting the supply to the pilot jet, allowing the motorcycle to idle smoothly. This balance ensures consistent engine performance.


Float level is too low: If the float level is set too low, the carburetor bowl may not replenish enough fuel to reach the main jet during high speeds. This can lead to sudden power drops or hiccups at full throttle. Additionally, a low float height can result in the engine running leaner, causing the spark plug color to appear white. Adjusting the float level ensures consistent fuel delivery and optimal engine performance at all speeds.


Adjustment rules: 


Rule No.1: On most carburetors, the float height is set adjacent to the carburetor body. However, this height can vary from one motorcycle to another. To ensure precise adjustment, always refer to the service manual for your specific motorcycle model. This ensures proper float height setting and optimal engine performance.


Rule No.2: Position the carburetor with the float side facing right, then tilt it to the left at a 45-degree angle. Most carburetors are adjusted in this position because at this angle, the float hangs freely, allowing for easier and more accurate adjustment of the float height.


measuring float angle with protractor

before adjusting float tilt the carburetor to 45 degrees for proper adjustment. or look for the specific angle for your motorcycle carburetor in the service manual.

carburetor float


float valve

Float valve

float valve seat

Float valve Seat

float valve with seat

Float valve Position towards it's seat

float vlave

there is a Groove on the upper side of the float valve for the float to settle

bending float tab

push the tab on the float to decrease the fuel height in carburetor bowel

lifting float tab

lift the tab on the float to increase the fuel height in carburetor bowel

pressing float pin
float pin pressed

There is a dampner on the top of the float valve 

float height too low

adjust the float height where is touches the dampner pin

float height reference point

there is a line that is at the side of the float, for  most carburetors that line is set parellel to the 

float height reference point 2

Consult your motorcycle service manual for the correct float height for your motorcycle

float height too low 2d pic

Float height set too low

float height too high 2d pic

Float height set too high

right float height 2d pic

correct float height

right float height

correct float height

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